

  1. Thanks for the link to my website! I’m enjoying your blog and have subscribed to follow it along. Nice quality and interesting stories.
    I’ve “Been there,” having cruised with my two children since they were infants, but this was back in the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s. We covered the mid-Atantic and New England, sailing our Ranger 33 for the two summer months when we, as teachers, were unemployed (and unpaid).
    Somewhere there is a photo of my infant daughter, about age one, barricaded with a piece of plywood into the Vee berth of a RevelCraft 30 I used as a flotilla lead boat in the Keys when I ran a sailing school there. It was quite different then.

    • robynhawkins91

      Hi Tom,
      You’re very welcome. Glad you’re enjoying it and have subscribed to follow along.
      Wow, I bet it was a completely different experience from what we have today!

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